Blog ends
It's back to work tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm really enjoying mucking about at home, and could easily continue doing it for a few weeks yet. But that's not to be; it's back to the dreary humdrum workday, though admittedly there'll be some interesting challenges ahead while the country negotiates its way out of lockdown. But this is my final entry: if I continued to give you an account of my daily movements, it would be even more boringly repetitive than what I'm currently posting. With one day left to get a few things done, I finally got out into the garden again. There wasn't actually all that much that needed doing, just the lawn and a small stretch of garden that hadn't been attended to in a while. I spent the morning hoeing, weeding and trimming in leisurely fashion, completed a few odd tasks like spreading fertiliser, removing the bungs from the planter troughs so they don't hold stagnant water during the winter, tidyi...